Number of Members | |
Active | 113 |
Total | 1562 |
Weekly New Member Sign Up Count | |
Number of Pawns | |
Active | 0 |
Total | 351 |
Pawns by Vocation (All Time) | |
Pawns by Gender (All Time) | |
Pawns by Level (All Time) | |
Weekly Added New Pawns | |
Hires Given (by Spreadsheet) | |
Total | 792 |
Hires Recorded | |
OPSC | 386 |
Non-OPSC | 390 |
Total | 776 |
Most Popular Gifts | |
None | 20 |
Scrag of beast | 16 |
Rock | 14 |
Wakestone | 9 |
Golden Egg | 8 |
Apple | 8 |
Airtight flask | 7 |
Ferrystone | 6 |
BBN3 | 5 |
Least Popular Gifts | |
11 total gifts including 9 dragonforged items + Wyrmking's Ring + Unpurified BBI LVL 2 Weapon | 1 |
Wyrmkings Ring, BBI Gear LVL 2, Golden Lion Lord's Chest, Heaven's Key, and much more (I love you, so damn much.) | 1 |
Can't remember | 1 |
Dragons Rancor and Heaven's Key! | 1 |
Misamite | 1 |
Dragonforged Bezel Crown, Idol of God-Mother(Or something, it's for rarefying my Bezel Crown.) | 1 |
BBI Lvl 1 Gear | 1 |
Cyclops Vol I Strategy | 1 |
BBI Lvl 1 Armor | 1 |
Weekly Hires Given (by Spreadsheet) | |
Weekly Hires Recorded | |